Sunday, April 13, 2008


I've quit my job, but, not to worry, I have another. I decided to change schools and on Thursday gave my notice. On Friday I accepted a position with another school. Some of the inherent problems of being an English teacher will still remain, such as exceptionally low pay. One of the main reasons for the change is that I was very isolated in my job. I only went to the school's office once a week for lesson planning and I don't know any of the other teachers. There is no interaction with anyone other than the clients. Precious little teacher support was available, either. I was there for three weeks before I learned there were teacher editions of the workbooks! The new school has a good resource library, which includes using CD's rather than cassette tapes! There is a large teacher room where lessons can be prepared and there is an opportunity to interact with the other teachers. I will still be travelling to the client's companies, but there will also be some classes held at the school. So, hopefully, a little less time spent out at soulless La Défense. Another plus is that I will take a French class there. Granted, only once a week, but the French class I am taking now is quite expensive. I'll start there in a couple of weeks, so I'll let you know how it goes.

On another note, I have added a few pictures to the right. This view of Sacre Coeur is from the corner of the street where my bank is located. The picture of La Défense shows only a smidgeon of the total area. Multiply it by about 20 and you'll get the real feel for the place. The picture of the Seine is for my friend, Karen, who wanted to see it. And the rue Ste. Dominique is the street I walk down to get to my apartment. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Little C's Creations said...

Thanks for keeping us posted, Nancy!! So glad to hear that you've changed over to a job that will be more supportive to you and what you need. Continue your blogging - I love reading your updates!!

Big Hugs n' Aloha,